PROGRAM | ​International Conference on Online Media and Global Communication (Online & Offline) The 1st Anniversary of Online Media and Global Communication (OMGC) and the 40th Anniversary of the School of Journalism and Communication SISU


PROGRAM | International Conference on Online Media and Global Communication (Online & Offline) The 1st Anniversary of Online Media and Global Communication (OMGC) and the 40th Anniversary of the School of Journalism and Communication SISU

International Conference on Online Media and Global Communication (Online&Offline)

The 1st Anniversary of Online Media and Global Communication (OMGC) and the 40th Anniversary of the School of        Journalism and Communication

Shanghai International Studies University, Hongkou Campus, Shanghai, China

Online and Offline

Click here to register:    

April 8, 2023


08:00-08:30    Registration



08:45-09:00    Opening Ceremony Online and Offline

Chair: CHEN Peiqin, OMGC Co-Editor in Chief, Associate Dean and Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, SISU

Welcoming Speech: GUO Ke, OMGC Co-editor in Chief, Dean and Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, SISU

                                Wendy Ding: Director of Publishing, De Gruyter Publishing, Asia Pacific


09:00-9:30    Keynote Speech


Louisa Ha, OMGC Founding Editor in Chief, Bolling Green State University, USA

First Year Anniversary Report of the Online Media and Global Communication

9:30-9:50    PhotoSession, Tea Break



9:50-10:40    Americas, East and South Asia, and Australasia Editorial


Board Showcase

Chair: Louisa Ha, OMGC Founding Editor in Chief,  Bowling Green State University, USA

Board Members in Attendance:


1.       Mei-Ling   Hsu,   Distinguished   Professor,   National   ChengchiUniversity, Taiwan, China

2.       HangMin, Professor and Associate Dean, Tsinghua University, China

Board Members on Zoom Live in Alphabetical order


1.    Afonso De Albuquerque, Professor, Fluminense Federal University,Brazil

2Jason CabañesProfessor, De LaSalle University-Manila, The Philippines

3Mohan Dutta, Dean’s Chair Professor, Massey University, NewZealand

4Jörg Matthes, Professor and Chair, University of Vienna,Austria (on leave in Australia)

5Bahiyah Omar, Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

6Victor Manuel García Perdomo, AssociateProfessor, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia

7. Ivanka Pjesivac, Associate Professor, University of Georgia, U.S.A.

8Bushra HRahmanProfessor, University of Punjab-Lahore, Pakistan

9Jiro Takai, Professor,Nagoya University, Japan

10Hong VuAssociate ProfessorUniversity of KansasU.S.A.

11.LarsWillnat, Ben Snow Professor, Syracuse University, U.S.A.



1Teresa Correa, Associate Professor, Diego Portales University, Santiago, Chile

2.TerryFlew, Professor, University of Sydney, Australia 

3. Dan Hallin, Distinguished Professor, University of California-San

4Jaemin Jung, Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology,SouthKorea

5XiaolingZhang, Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University,China

10:40-11:55 Closed-door editorial board meeting by Region: Americas, East and South Asia, and Australasia Editorial Board (Live on Zoom)

Chair: Louisa Ha, OMGC Founding Editor-in-Chief, Bowling Green State University, U.S.A.


(1)  How did OMGC perform in 2022 as an academic bridge ofcommunicationscholarsbetweenAnglosphereandNon-Anglosphere

(2)  How did OMGC contribute and facilitate the research and knowledge development on online media and global communicationComment on the choice of the themes for the themed issues.

(3)  What are the theoretical and methodological contributions and applications of the articles that OMGC published

(4)  What are your comments and suggestions to the journal in terms of author and reviewer recruitment, the dual track review process, journal promotion, etc.

Attending board members

1.Afonso De Albuquerque, Professor, Fluminense Federal University,Brazil

2. Jason Cabañes, Professor, De La Salle University-Manila, The            Philippines

3. Mohan Dutta, Dean’s Chair Professor, Massey University, New Zealand

4. BahiyahOmar, Associate Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

5. Jörg Matthes, Professor and Chair, University of Vienna, Austria(currently on leave in Australia)

6. VictorManuelGarcíaPerdomo,AssociateProfessor,UniversidaddeLaSabana,Colombia

7. Ivanka Pjesivac, Associate Professor, University of Georgia, U.S.A. 8. BushraH.Rahman, Professor, University of Punjab-Lahore, Pakistan          

9.             Jiro Takai,Professor, Nagoya University,Japan

10. Hong Vu, Associate Professor, University of Kansas, U.S.A.

11. LarsWillnat, Ben Snow Professor, Syracuse University, U.S.A.

12:00-14:00    Lunch

14:00-15:00    Authors from the Gem of the Global South: Brazil, Spain, Russia: Research Trend in their country and their own latest research  (Online)

Chair: CHEN Peiqin, OMGC Co-editor-in-chief, Associate Dean and Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, SISU

1.    Anna Gladkova, Leading Researcher and Director of International Affairs Office, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

2.    Elena Vartonova, Dean and Professor, Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity,Russia

3.    Javier GuallarProfessor, University of Barcelona, Spain

4.    Thaine OlivieiraProfessor, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

5.    Dane Claussen, Professor, Director of Publications and Research, National Communication Association, U.S.A.


14:00 -15:00  Panel 1: Bridging the reviewer and the author (Offline)

Chair: PAN Ji, OMGC Associate Editor, Professor, School of Journalism, Fudan University

1.    Mei-Ling Hsu, Distinguished Professor, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, China

2.    WU Fang, Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

3.    ZHANG Chunyu, Lecturer, Shanghai International Studies University

4.    WANG Zihan, Lecturer, Shanghai International Studies University

5.    LI Xiaomeng, OMGC Managing Editor,  Shanghai International Studies University

14:00 -15:00  Panel 2: International journal and blind review (Offline)

Chair: YAN Yining, OMGC Associate Editor, Professor, School of Journalism, SISU

1. HANG Min, Professor and Associate Dean, Tsinghua University, China

2. ZHAN Ning, Associate Researcher, Shandong University

3. XU Deya, Associate Professor, East China Normal University

4. LU Xinyu, Lecturer, Shanghai International Studies University

5. LV Nan, Lecturer, Shanghai International Studies University


15:00-15:30    Tea Break


15:30-16:30 Editorial Board members showcase (Europe/MiddleEast/Africa)

Chair: GUO Ke,  OMGCCo-editor-in-chief, Dean and Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, SISU

Board Members in Attendance:


1.    Mohammad H.Abuljadail,King AbdulazizUniversity,SaudiArabia

2.   Svetlana Bodrunova, Associate Professor and Chair, St. Petersburg State University, Russia

3.    Márton Demeter, Associate Professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary

4.   Shahira Fahmy, Professor, American University at Cairo, Egypt

5.    Michał Głowacki, Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland

6.    KiokoIreri, Associate Professor, United States International University-Kenya

7.    Veronika Karnowski, Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

8.    Didem Özkul, Senior Lecturer, University College London & Bilkent University, Turkey



1.    Homero Gilde Zuniga, Professor, University of Salamanca, Spain. Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.

2.    Jeroen de Kloet, Professor, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

3.    Nete Kristensen, Professor and Chair, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

4.    Herman Wasserman, Professor and Department Chair, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

5.    Oscar Westlund, Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

16:30-17:30 Closed-door editorial board meeting by region: Europe/Africa/MiddleEast  (live)

Chair: Louisa Ha, OMGC Founding Editor in Chief, Bolling Green State University, U.S.A.


(1)  How did OMGC perform in 2022 as an academic bridge of communication scholars between Anglosphere and Non-Anglosphere

(2)  How did OMGC contribute and facilitate the research and knowledge development on online media and global communicationComment on the choice of the themes for the themed issues.

(3)  What are the theoretical and methodological contributions and applications of the articles that OMGC published

(4)  What are your comments and suggestions to the journal in terms of author and reviewer recruitment, the dual track review process, journal promotion, etc.

Attending Board Members

1. Mohammad H. Abuljadail, King Abdulaziz University, SaudiArabia

2.  Svetlana Bodrunova, Associate Professor and Chair, St. Petersburg State University, Russia

3.   Márton Demeter, Associate Professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary

4.   Shahira Fahmy, Professor, American University at Cairo, Egypt

5.  Michał Głowacki, Professor, University of Warsaw, Poland

6. Kioko Ireri, Associate Professor, United States International University-Kenya

7. Veronika Karnowski, Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-  UniversitätMünchen, Germany

8. Didem Özkul, Senior Lecturer, University College London & Bilkent University, Turkey



18:00-20:00    Dinner
